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Jane Tarkang
Mama, my heart is full of sorrow but I know you are with our Lord in heaven. Rest in peace mama. I miss you so.
Maguy Buam
God sent you to be an inspiration and an example for others to follow,though u are gone ur voice will always be in our minds.RIP
Takang Gabriel
Aunty Bebe, We will always remember your sweet voice, your songs and your unconditional love. God will reward you. Farewell.
Dioh Margaret
May your soul rest peace
Bridget Fonkeu
May your soul rest in perfect peace God speed!
Big Sis, You played your role on stage, and the time came for you to exit it. You did just that. May your soul rest in peace.
Mrs Esther abunaw Batta
She will be missed, may her soul rest in perfect peace
Maureen Mayong Epie
You will live forever in our hearts. A great Icon from Manyu whose Legacy lives on forever. RIP.
Rosa Befidi-Mengue
Sister Eli, We will miss you dearly but we know you are in a better place now. God bless you.
Pekwangko Blanche
May your soul rest in perfect peace Mama. God only allow u to come home at this time to sure that He loves u more than we do.
Visine Girl (Mafor Edwan)
Rest in Peace! You are an angel! Hope you got the Visine Eye Drops I sent you. You will be sorely missed.
Charles Ashu
Its so unbelievable to think that your golden voice would only be heard in restrospect now. Enjoy eternity. God bless you Amen
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